Shop Local Campaign

Shop Local Campaign

The importance of using our local shops is a constant message in the articles I write for Prospect and in my social media posts.  Barnes would have much less appeal as a place to live and to visit if we didn’t have an array of charming shops, cafes and restaurants.  Over the last few months have been working with a brilliant team of marketeers on a campaign to remind us all of the very real reasons to shop locally.  Late last year we launched a shop local campaign across Barnes with a new logo and a new social media campaign to remind us of all the reasons we can find everything we need in Barnes.  To support the campaign, each month the Bugle features one of our fabulous businesses in a more in-depth profile.  We are also running a competition on social media to encourage people to vote for their favourite businesses locally.  We have had so many positive and heart-warming comments which we are sharing through our social media posts.  Keep an eye out for our campaign when you next pop into Barnes.