Ponder 2 needs you!

The Barnes Town Team is on the hunt for volunteers to help deliver the Big Barnes Ponder 2 vision. 

Last October, 1000 residents contributed their thoughts, dreams and ambitions for the future of Barnes as part of the Ponder 2 process.  A ten year vision was presented to the community earlier this month with six key themes and a whole load of inspirational projects.  Residents have started coming forward to take part in the work streams but we need more help to make our vision a reality.

Barnes has led the way with the work that was delivered through the original Big Barnes Ponder ten years ago.  The exercise of the community coming together to shape our future has shown the positive influence we can have if we work as a team. Over the last ten years the community has helped transform Barnes into a more thriving and diverse village with wide ranging cultural and environmental initiatives. Volunteers have worked together to deliver projects such as the new High Street scheme, Suffolk Road playground, the parklet, the outdoor events on Barnes Green, the 22 bus campaign and the re-routing of the 378, the rickshaw, the defibrillator phone box, the 20mph campaign, the Barnes Day Out destination project, the shop local campaign and mural project and many more.

Now we need to deliver some more great projects over the next ten years.

We have six project teams – One Barnes, Green Barnes, High Street Barnes, Placemaking Barnes, Safe Barnes and Travel Barnes.  Each of these project teams has a list of projects that they will look to take forward.  You can find out more about the projects here: Barnes Ponder 2 - The Results! — Barnes Community Association (barnes-ca.org)

If you would be interested to get involved and help us deliver on these Ponder 2 projects, this is how you do it:

If you would be interested to get involved and help us deliver on these Ponder 2 projects, sign up by emailing Emma Robinson and saying which project you are interested in. Each group has a sponsor to provide guidance and support to the team.  Emma will connect you to your sponsor and other team members and before you know it you will be meeting and planning.

In the words of our Ponder 2 speaker from Incredible Edible, Mary Clear:

Beautiful Barnes needs active citizens to shape the future’.

BCA Admin