BCA AGM 2019 - Notice of meeting


(Registered Charity No. 1156379)


Thursday 11th April, 2019 7.30pm

Rose House, 70 Barnes High Street, SW13 9LD


  1. Chairman’s Introduction

  2. To adopt the Annual Report and Accounts for the year to 31 December 2018

  3. To elect Trustees in accordance with clause 13(1) of the constitution**

  4. Any other business

  5. The Chairman’s review of his 4 years in office and the BCA’s achievements

Meetings and proceedings of trustees

Appointment of officers

At the first meeting of the trustees following an Annual General Meeting, or at any subsequent meeting should a vacancy arise, the trustees shall appoint from amongst their number (including any nominated trustees appointed in accordance with clause 13(2)) office holders, as follows:

  • Chairman (who shall hold that office for no more than four years in succession);

  • Vice-Chairman;

  • Honorary Treasurer; and

  • Honorary Secretary.

The trustees may at any time revoke such appointments

**There should be nine elected trustees: the longest-serving three retire by rotation. There will therefore be an election for a minimum of three positions.

The names and biographies of candidates for election are set out below. Any member may vote at the meeting or by proxy. Proxies must be appointed by notice in writing and must be signed by the applicable member.

In the event of a contested election, proxy registration forms will be available from Rose House during the 14 days prior to the meeting. Additionally, members whose email addresses are held by the BCA will be sent a proxy registration form as an email. A completed registration form will be valid providing it is returned by email from the member’s own email address, as recorded in the BCA’s register of members.

A copy of this notice and of the agenda papers (including the Annual Report and Accounts) will be posted on the website: barnes-ca.org 14 days in advance of the meeting.  

Candidate Biographies


Barnes has been home for 7 years, and by joining the BCA team of Trustees I hope to have the opportunity to contribute to our local community.

I have a creative background in music and am a keen amateur photographer. My career has gone in the opposite direction and is technology focused. Described as part geek, I enjoy helping people get the best out of technology and am great at figuring things out. I’ve been responsible for implementing new technologies and processes in various roles, and now work in the Global Technology team of a major investment bank.

I love where we live, the high street pet shop is managed by my wife who is loved by Barnes’ four legged furry friends, and I’m keen to spend time away from the city putting my personal and professional skills to good use locally.


In 2001 Barnes Pond disappeared and Helen wrote ‘The Pond’, a children’s book raising £20K. Last year she stood as a councillor and hopes to do so again. Helen is a Governor at Sheen Mount and Trustee at Home-Start. She is a mentor for The Princes Trust and a food waste campaigner for City Harvest. Helen is a Business Development Marketing Director with an MBA specialising in membership, engagement, business partnerships and events. Helen loves family, dogs and walking. Her family are in pubs so she cares about High Street ambience and getting people out enjoying themselves.

BCA Admin