WOOF! The BCA Barnes Dog Walk

BCA Dog Walk
We had a great time at the BCA Barnes Dog Walk on Saturday 24 April - the weather was on our side and participants wandered from Vine Road to Tideway Yard in the sunshine. Congratulations to our raffle prize winners, Patrick, Rollo and Alessandra.


We're looking forward to greeting the canine contingent of Barnes (and their human buddies!) at our new BCA Dog Walk this coming Saturday (24 April). Head here to reserve your canine pal's place - online sales close at 5pm this Thursday! Subject to social distancing restrictions and capacity requirements, we will also be accepting entrants in person and taking payment at our registration desk at Vine Road on the day itself.

Every ticket purchased ensures one entry into our Dog Walk raffle with prizes featuring treats from The Brown Dog and Jeffersons Brewery. Vine Road cafe will be open from 9.30am for breakfast bacon butties and other seasonal sustenance for sale. Thanks again to Marston Properties for their sponsorship and for ensuring that the finish line will see human companions treated with refreshments!

BCA Admin