New-look Prospect and BCA Prospect's Big Barnes Quiz Answers!

In the first week of December, all SW13 residents will receive a copy of the new-look BCA Prospect newsletter through their door. We have put this publication together in-house and are very grateful for the help – and patience! – of local designers Farrah & Pearce who have redesigned the publication. Click HERE to see the full version!

Thanks also to the 32 local businesses who have supported us with advertising and without whose support we wouldn’t have been able to go forward. We hope you will enjoy your new community magazine – please encourage friends & neighbours to join the BCA and fingers crossed we will produce another issue of Prospect in the spring. Contact for any advertising or editorial enquiries.

BCA Prospect Big Barnes Quiz 2020 Answers revealed….!

  1. The new mural underneath Barnes Bridge features an illustration of which Barnes pub? In what year did Barnes pond dramatically empty overnight + an extra point for the month? 

    The Sun Inn (1) 

  2. On The Terrace, there is a Blue Plaque indicating where Dame Ninette De Valois lived (1962-1982) – what was she the founder of? 

    The Royal Ballet (1) 

  3. Which one of these artists did NOT record at the Olympic Studios - Dusty Springfield, The Beatles or The Clash? 

    The Clash (1) 

  4. When was the Barnes Community Association (BCA) founded? A) over 20 years ago B) over 20 years ago or C) or over 40 years ago? 

    C) over 40 years ago (1) 

  5. In what year did Barnes pond dramatically empty overnight + an extra point for the month?

    2001, April (2 points) 

  6. What is the name of Barnes-based conceptual artist Spike McClarity’s alter-ego who appears by the river on the first of each month? 

    The White Rabbit (1) 

  7. Including its Christmas teas, how many types of loose-leaf tea does Orange Pekoe stock? Nearest guess wins!  

    41 (1) 

  8. There are five pubs in Barnes (SW13) which feature animals or an animal in their names. Name all five for the point! 

    The Red Lion, The Brown Dog, The Bull’s Head, Ye White Hart, The Coach & Horses (1) 

  9. Whose statue appears at the entrance of the WWT London Wetland Centre in Barnes? Full name for the point. 

    Sir Peter Scott, founder of the WWT (1) 

  10. What is &Feast’s bestselling type of coffee? A) an oat milk flat white B) a black americano or C) a skinny cappuccino? 

    An oat milk flat white (1) 

  11. What is the first name of the BCA Barnes Greenkeeper? 

    Russell (1) 

  12. Barnes is home to a special ‘superhighway’ for what? 

    Hedgehogs (1) 

  13. What date is the 2021 BCA Barnes Fair due to take place? 

    Saturday 10th July 2021 – hooray! (1) 

  14. Barnes is home to one of London’s oldest and largest trees, known as Barney – what kind of tree is it? 

    A London plane tree (When last measured, ‘Barney’ was 115 feet tall and 27 feet in girth!) (1)

  15. During the first lockdown, the OSO Arts Centre was repurposed as a ‘crisis kitchen’ – how many meals did it provide to the elderly and vulnerable, NHS staff, and those in economic hardship? A) over 5,000, B) over 7,000 or C) over 10,000? 

    C) over 10,000 (1) 

  16. What is the name of Barnes’ very own brewery, run by brothers Freddie and George? 

    Jeffersons (1) 

  17. Which night bus services Barnes? 

    The N22 (1) 

  18. The Lonsdale Road Reservoir is also known as the ‘Leg o’ what? 

    Mutton (1) 

  19. What is the name of the pretty pink building on Barnes High Street which is the BCA’s HQ? 

    Rose House (1) 

    Total points available - 20 points 

Tie breaker! 

In what year was Barnes Railway Bridge built? Closest guess wins…


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